Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Gift of Surrender

Penyerahan hak dalam hidupmu membuktikan bahwa segala hal yang kamu serahkan tidak lagi menjadi hal-hal yang layak diperjuangkan atau dipertahankan.
Penyerahan hak menjadi bukti nyata bahwa hak tersebut bukan lagi segala-galanya,
bukan lagi bahagiamu,
bukan lagi sukacitamu,
ataupun rasa aman dalam hidupmu.

Ketika kamu menyerahkan hakmu, untuk segala egomu, keinginan dagingmu, kamu sedang mempercayakan hatimu kepadaNya, bukan pada hal lain yang selama ini entah membuatmu 'nyaman' atau justru sakit.

Pada akhirnya, penyerahan hak mengungkapkan dengan tegas dan berani bahwa hanya 1 yang perlu dan menjadi bahagiamu; segala-galanya dalam hidupmu - yaitu Tuhanmu sendiri :)

Philippians 3:8Amplified Bible (AMP) 
"But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled]. For His sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all garbage, so that I may gain Christ,"

I count everything as loss; for He is my everything.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Best Form of Loving

When people are asked to think of their best experience with the love of their life, we can actually guess their answers: those sweet moments... those romantic words... those million of roses... those beautiful gifts... and all and all, the best of the best that they can possibly think of or imagine.

Ever thought how heart-breaking and forgiving can actually make the best form of love?
that's the actual proof that we truly love someone, when we forgive them after hurting our hearts. the only measurement of love. which is to love without any measurements at all.

Far before we can make the best form of love through forgiveness,
Remind yourself the first, best moment when you know God loves you.
How did you know He loves you?
Simple. Because that time, you knew that He forgave you from your sins.

You have received, even felt the best form of love by realizing that God forgave you first; you are forgiven from your sins which hurting God... and knowing that, you learn that forgiveness will always be the best version of loving someone.

it is not those sweet moments,
not those romantic words,
or those million roses,
or those beautiful gifts,
or every beautiful thing that makes you happy.

But it is forgiveness.
To love with the best form of love is to keep forgiving the people you love, even when it hurts. it hurts because you need to forgive. Forgive as He has forgiven you.... and continue to love them....

Forgiveness make the best form of love, so make them feel and receive it :)