Monday, May 21, 2012

Falling and Staying

Watta' reflection! 
just found this images from one of my friend display picture (@AndyCrmlHexor), n' i tried to reflected the meaning... daann ini ngga klise. ini. dalem. sangat.
kalo ngeliat kehidupan masa globalisasi sekarang ini, dimana artis-artis lagi hot-hotnya nikah-cerai-nikah-cerai, cepet banget jatuh cinta, pacaran berapa bulan udah langsung nikah :| mungkin bagi mereka emang keren kali ya kaya gitu, mendomplang eksistensi -___-|| ini memperkuat pernyataan yg buktiin kalo pernikahan itu akan harmonis romantis pada 3-6 bulan pertama, setelah itu semua rasa2 romantisnya mulai pudar dan butuh komitmen buat ngelanjutinnya... #INI ANALOGINYA
But this is not the point that i wanna talking about. it's all about STAYING. that's the point. Staying in LOVE, which is mean STAYING in God, 'coz God is Love. read this --->

BBEHe who has no love has no knowledge of God, because God is love.
MESSAGEThe person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God [is] love--so you can't know him if you don't love.
NKJVHe who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
PHILIPSBut the man who does not love cannot know him at all, for God is love.
RWEBSTRHe that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
GWVThe person who doesn't love doesn't know God, because God is love.
NETThe person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.*
Jadi.. gua coba cari versi pararel alkitabnya di 1 yoh 4:8, diterjemahkan dalam berbagai versi.. dan LIAT bener-bener.. semua disitu dibilang, siapa yang ngga mengasihi, dia ngga kenal Allah, karena Allah adalah kasih.. this is sooo true, guys. Allah itu kasih. ini ngga cuma bicara kita harus mengasihi orang lain, tapi ini juga bicara gimana cara kita mengasihi Dia! 

Sedikit cerita, gua termasuk orang yang gampang suka sama sesuatu, termasuk sama orang. i'm soo easy to get attached of FOODS:p, something, or even someone. including boys. dan begitu juga waktu gua pertama kali kenal Tuhan. gampang banget buat falling in love sama Dia. Gua inget banget waktu itu, lagi pertama kali gua ikut 1 ibadah, disitu for the first time, He said to me sooo deeply tenderly "Aku mengasihi kamu, Evelyn.." dan saat itu gua langsung melting, crying out loud, then i decided to follow Him n love Him easily (at the first). so, u see? falling in love is absolutely easy. ini gampang banget, apalagi buat ciwi-ciwi yang berperasaan banget.. hehehe.. 

BUT... as time goes by... how 'bout STAYING in LOVE?
awal mula mengasihi Tuhan, oh iya jelas, gampang banget, apapun gua lakuin saking gua masi norak2nya baru kenal Pribadi yg mengasihi gua... tapiii lama-kelamaan? benarlah. ngga lagi norak.  kebosenan, kejenuhan mulai melanda. dimulai sejak gua 'ngerasa' kalo Tuhan yg gua kenal udah beda, gua ngga lagi gampang 'ngerasain' kasihNya, gua ngga lg 'ngerasa' gampang nangis2 dilawat, gua 'ngerasa' dan 'ngerasa' Dia ngga lagi sedeket yang dulu sama gua.. dan ini cuma NGERASA. Hello? padahal Tuhan itu ada bukan untuk DIRASAIN! God is wholly able to be loving, to be worshipped by us. Dia ada untuk kita kasihi, untuk kita sembah... that's the big point^^ 

KALO kita bangun hubungan kita sama Tuhan cuma atas dasar perasaan, itu sama aja kaya artis-artis jaman sekarang yg ngga punya komitmen yg jelas; pacaran/menikmati rumah tangga cuma selama masih ada rasa, begitu udah ngga lagi ada rasa2 deg2an/romantisnya, langsung putus/cerai... Ibaratnya kaya ngunyah permen karet, selama masih berasa dikunyah, udah ngga berasa lagi? dibuang. God isn't a bubble gum, guys.. That's why quote ini berlaku; Falling in love (God) is easy. But not staying in love (God). Staying in love isn't as easy as Falling in Love. This is the challenge. This is the struggle. But it'll be awesome if we end up of KEEP LOVING.

Sooo... kembali gua kobarkan buat teman-teman semuaaa,, jangan berhenti mengasihi! Mengasihi Papa, mengasihi sesama... Bertahan dalam kasih. Kejar Kasih itu! not based on our feelings, but fully based with our COMMITMENT! Not just falling then letting go but also staying! One of my friend ever told this to me (@AdiStephanus) --> The rest is COMMITMENT when the feelings of love is gone. There's still a commitment of love, which could make us staying in love and keep loving God no matter what happens. And the result is, we'll find another great feelings of loving Him! :)

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